Pigeon peas, a type of pulse, have immense nutritional potential to improve health in arid and semi-arid regions. However, ...
At first, there seems to be no known direct relationship between the expansion of the universe, the number of the gravitational constant, and the proximity of the infinitely variable genetic codes to ...
A gluten-free diet may lower this risk because it alters hormone levels. Eating fewer potentially low-nutritional items, such as wheat-based foods like bread and pasta, is another advantage of the ...
Directed Energy Deposition, Deposition Strategy, 316L Stainless Steel, Microstructure, Microhardness, Surface Smoothness ...
Yang, X. , Bao, Y.S. and Wang, D. (2024) Empirical Study of the Effect of Dormitory Conflict on Dormitory Exclusion —The ...
Symptom prescription is an intervention described by the school of Palo Alto in California and has been utilized in a myriad of clinical contexts as a psychotherapeutic tool. There was a significant ...
Aldosari, M. , Al-Shawi, N. and Al-Sowayan, N. (2024) Therapeutic Potential of Berberine in Type 2 Diabetes: A Short Review.
Sensorimotor Stage ( Infancy to 2 years): A stage where infants tend to acquire knowledge through sensory experiences and the manipulation of objects. Basic reflexes, motor responses and senses play a ...
The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and its deep application in the field of education have promoted changes in educational concepts, teaching methods, and other aspects. The ...
A Study on the Gameplay and Cultural Survival Space of Fangqi a Chinese Folk Chess Art from the Perspective of Intangible ...
Liu, B. , Dai, Q. and Zhang, Y. (2024) A Case of Vasovagal Syncope Induced by Tooth Extraction. Health, 16, 1042-1049. doi: ...
The Job Characteristics Model (JCM), which postulates that effective job design can foster internal work motivation and ...