Do you look at current consumer life-styles and linear product life-cycles and see the inherent sustainability problems that lie within? Do you want to help the world transition to a model that is ...
Lapsille suunnattu elintarvikkeiden markkinointi painottuu epäterveellisiin elintarvikkeisiin, ja lapset ovat poikkeuksellisen alttiita markkinoinnin vaikutuksille. Helsingin yliopistossa laadittua ...
The Nordic Association for Art Historians NORDIK came into being as an organizer of international conferences that since 1984 have brought together individual scholars and organizations with an ...
Finnish prehistoric rock paintings (5000–1500 BCE) on the cliffs rising directly from the lakes are acoustically special environments. When the lake levels have remained unchanged, these extremely ...
As a PhD student who has spent over 24 months immersed in the varying concepts of ‘digital death’ (my PhD ponders whether or not some manifestations of it, like the ‘grief tech industry’, should be ...
Six months of hard work culminated in a joyous evening as the third cohort of our Biosphere incubator gathered once more to celebrate the eventful programme’s Demo Day. “Remember, the audience is on ...
Place: Room 247 (2nd floor), Unioninkatu 33 (inner courtyard), you can also join in by Zoom ...
The first episode of the TSB x HiLIFE podcast mini-series is out now. Do not hesitate to listen in! The three-episode mini-series starts with a fascinating question: "Does high-impact equal high ...
Helsingin yliopistolla käynnistyvässä hankkeessa selvitetään digitalisaation tilaa vapaan sivistystyön oppilaitoksissa. Uudenlaiset digitaaliset toimintaympäristöt mahdollistavat opiskelun ajasta ja ...
Terveydenhuollon kehittämisen maisteriohjelma järjesti informaatiotilaisuuden terveystieteiden tohtorintutkinnosta kiinnostuneille. Hybriditilaisuudessa oli paikalla yli 40 tieteellisistä ...
Haluatko kuulla ajankohtaisista sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon interventioista? Askarruttaako sinua interventioiden toteutuskelpoisuus tai vaikuttavuus? Tervetuloa kuulemaan sosiaali- ja ...
We are excited to announce that the call for abstracts to the panel "Ecotopias’ of Sustainability: From Maldevelopment to ‘Desirable’ Future Forests" is open now! The International Forest Policy team ...