A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
The Spongebob Musical, starring Ethan Slater in the title role, is now streaming on YouTube. The musical can be watched ...
Bikini Bottom's baddest gang, the Sharks, just got a new member! But can SpongeBob prove that he isn't as square as he looks when they face their rivals, the Pods? Soak up the action and 7 more ...
If there’s one thing SpongeBob SquarePants knows how to do—besides ... with Plankton heading to Netflix in a brand-new movie.
When Neptune's crown is stolen, SpongeBob and Patrick set out to clear Mr Krabs' name. Absorbingly offbeat cartoon caper with a cameo from David Hasselhoff. Flashing ...