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Data supplied by Morningstar and accurate on Aug 1, 2024. It's not possible to publish a real-time Top 20 Shareholder list. Companies are not obliged to report this data (with the exception of ...
A senior China Construction America (CCA) executive who played a key role in the Baha Mar dispute appears to have further prospered through being appointed “a special envoy” by the Bahamian ...
Looking just at the carbon tax credit from the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), Brian Heywood, the man behind the initiatives, argued that it costs drivers a lot more money. “We're a dollar above ...
Of course, the ultimate measure of any building’s environmental success is its adaptability to change. CCA is facing a lot of it. As the addition opened, enrollment is down, and the college is facing ...
In 2021, the Washington Legislature passed the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), which establishes a comprehensive, market-based program to reduce carbon pollution and achieve the greenhouse gas limits ...
The Council for Cultural Activities is a university-sponsored organization that promotes cultural awareness at the University of Houston by supporting cultural registered student organizations and ...
Southern Kentucky Early Cca is a public school located in Albany, KY, which is in a remote rural setting. The student population of Southern Kentucky Early Cca is unavailable and the school serves ...
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