Explore the accreditation process in our new, case study formatted seminar.
Learn how to complete AACSB tables (3-1, 3-2, and 8-1) in this interactive seminar.
Join us for a highly interactive one-day seminar on how your school can fulfill the requirements of AACSB’s 2020 business accreditation standards in the area of societal impact.
The seminar begins at 9:00 a.m. on day one and concludes at 5:30 p.m. on day two. New Format! Explore the accreditation standards through an immersive case study. The Business Accreditation Seminar ...
Join us for a highly interactive one-day seminar on how your school can fulfill the requirements of AACSB’s 2020 business accreditation standards in the area of societal impact. This seminar will ...
In this interview with Tencent Education, AACSB President and CEO Lily Bi highlights how accreditation, training, and thought leadership help business schools worldwide address emerging challenges and ...
As artificial intelligence reshapes education, faculty must build communities of practice to share knowledge about using AI ...
This guide draws on the experiences of ten business schools that participated in an exploratory study following the release of the Final Report of the Impact of Research Task Force. The study was ...
In this comprehensive 2011 report, the AACSB Task Force on Globalization of Management Education explores broad globalization trends in management education. By exploring individual business school ...
In a Strategic Innovation Management class at the Indian School of Business, students learn to ask questions by engaging with a customized chatbot.