Current local time in Eastern (Canada/Eastern timezone). Get information about the Canada/Eastern time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
Across the world, countries celebrate New Year's Eve and the official beginning of the next year at different times due to ...
Canadians across six time zones celebrated the new year with parties, friends and fireworks. From the Quidi Vidi Brewery in ...
When the ball drops in New York City’s Times Square to herald the start of 2025, it’ll actually be late to the party as ...
Very large countries such as Australia or the USA are spread out across many time zones. Most smaller countries keep to the same time zone even if part of them falls outside a meridian line.
The Sporting News gets you set with everything you need to know about Canada vs. USA, including the start time for the WJC showdown. Date: Tuesday, Dec. 31 Time: 8 p.m. ET Puck drop for Canada vs.
Current local time in Pacific (Canada/Pacific timezone). Get information about the Canada/Pacific time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...