The thrilling story follows Captain Cage, stuck in a time loop, is tasked to team up with a group of warriors and save Earth ...
Now, The War Of Rohirrim is two hours and 14 minutes long, which is actually the shortest a Lord of the Rings movie has ever ...
INTERVIEW: Screenwriter Zach Baylin on his true-life domestic terrorism tale, directed by Justin Kurzel and starring Jude Law ...
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for The Terminator #1! The Terminator series is one that’s been going strong since the ‘80s, but ...
There’s no better way to commence your classic Christmas film viewing than with Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the next film in The News-Gazette Film Series at the Virginia ...
The T-800 is a horror icon, but the Terminator franchise hasn't always used it to its scariest potential; Dynamite's new ...
Seyoan Vela, Chief Creative Officer at Livingroom, shared with Communicate his view on AI.
The ‘Rocky’ (1976) poster, with Sylvester Stallone’s triumphant pose, is a powerful symbol of determination and perseverance.
The Searchers,' 'Shaun of the Dead,' 'No Country For Old Men' and 'The Conversation' are among the best physical media ...
Through movies and real-life horror stories, our film critic takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the biggest shopping day of the ...
John Wick, Jurassic Park, Jaws, The Shining, Terminator 2--what do they all have in common? Being available on 4K Blu-ray for ...
EJ Moreno looks at seven overlooked sci-fi horror movies you have to see… Get ready to add a gang of fantastic sci-fi horror ...