Securing federal funding has been a longtime goal of supporters of vouchers and educational savings accounts, which families can tap to pay for private education.
In Idaho, about 60% of school funding comes from the state. The rest is a combination of local and federal funds. State funds are distributed by assigning districts and charters a specific number of ...
You don’t have to be a math whiz to see that Idaho’s math scores just don’t add up.
Federal funding accounts for about 8% to 10% of funding for K-12 schools but can represent a much larger portion in high-poverty schools and districts.
The results indicate students are “holding steady,” and reflect national trends, the Idaho Department of Education said.
Results from the Nation’s Report Card offer few positive signs, with reading performance slumping even since the heart of the ...
The Trump administration on Wednesday rescinded a federal order that would have frozen money flowing to grant programs, ...
Idaho Education News’ North Idaho reporter Emma Epperly received a competitive award from the nationally recognized Education ...
The best way to prevent the families of Idaho’s 313,160 public school students from losing, while subsidizing about 36,000 ...
A Trump administration order freezing federal grants could have sweeping effects on schools, child care providers, education ...
Boise State University has broken ground on a new home for its construction management building. The $4 million project will ...
Supporters of charter schools and church-state separation describe a ‘tumultuous moment’ as the debate heads for April oral ...