Cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio, also known as the Shiller PE ratio, is a valuation metric used by investors to assess whether a stock or the broader market is overvalued or ...
Economist Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio continues to climb. At the start of November, the CAPE ...
Fundamentals can’t explain such a dizzying swing, but investors’ fickle emotions do. A bull market rooted in earnings is ...
There's the so-called "Warren Buffett indicator," or the ratio of total stock market capitalization-to-GDP. And then the ...
Earnings growth has been strong up low to mid-teens percentage as well, but the index return has outpaced the growth in ...
The Shiller PE ratio, or the cyclically-adjusted price-earnings ratio, may be the most respected measure of stock market value. In short, the Shiller PE is the price of the stock market divided by ...
The S&P 500 has surged 67.9% since October 2022, pushing the index's cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio (CAPE ratio) ...
The market state depends on a historical analysis of the S&P 500’s seven-year cyclically adjusted price/earnings ratio. The market is “expensive” when valuations are elevated and otherwise ...
The market state depends on a historical analysis of the S&P 500’s seven-year cyclically adjusted price/earnings ratio. The market is “expensive” when valuations are elevated and otherwise ...